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Canoe Classic

Entry Classes


All paddlers must be at least 15 years old on the race day.

The age cut-off date for age-based classes is Race Day. 


To enter a junior class, the paddler must be at least 15 years old on the race day and under 18 years on the age cut-off date.


To enter the 40+ veteran class, the paddler must be over the age of 40 years before the age cut-off date.

To enter the 50+ veteran class, the paddler must be over the age of 50 years before the age cut-off date.

To enter the 60+ veteran class, the paddler must be over the age of 60 years before the age cut-off date.

To enter the 70+ veteran class, the paddler must be over the age of 70 years before the age cut-off date.

To enter a Veteran Class you must enter your date of birth with your entry.


To enter an open class, the paddler must be over the age of 18 years on the age cut-off date. 

If different age groups paddle in the one craft, the craft must enter in the lowest age group class or the open class. For example, Vet +50 and Vet +40 paddlers in the one craft can enter the Vet +40 or Open Class.


A mixed craft of two or three persons must comprise of at least one paddler of each gender in the craft.  A mixed craft of four person class must comprise of two males and two female paddlers.

Constituted classes

A constituted class shall consist of a minimum of three craft that start. Only constituted classes are eligible for trophies.

Brooklyn or Bust

This class is for paddlers who do not want to be competitive. Any type of canoe can enter in this class. Paddlers in the Brooklyn or Bust class start at 4pm. The Brooklyn or Bust class is aimed at those who are happy to just finish. Paddlers in the class are rewarded with a medallion at the finish but this class is not eligible for any trophies, records or time-based team events. You are not permitted to change into this class on the day of the event. This is a non-competitive class. Handicap results are not calculated.


Wisemans Dash

All paddlers who paddle the shorter distance, 67km from Windsor to Wisemans Ferry, paddle in the Wisemans Dash class. Paddlers are rewarded with a Dash medallion at Wisemans finish but this class is not eligible for any trophies, records or time-based team events. You are not permitted to change into this class after registrations have closed. 


Wisemans Relay

The Wisemans Relay is fully described here, and provide for a number of paddlers to compete in a relay to Wisemans Ferry.

Wisemans Dash

All paddlers in racing classes will be eligible to obtain a class record in the class nominated on their entry form. Fastest times will be recognised for all divisions of classes regardless of the number of starters. The full distance must be completed to be eligible for class records.

© 2024 by Hawkesbury Canoe Classic Association Inc.

ABN: 73 350 155 706 | CFN 13028


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Tel: 0418 863 950‬

P.O Box 268 ENMORE NSW 2042

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